Tuesday, September 16, 2008

eSeed: Praise Day By Day

Read 2 Chronicles 30:21

A farmer was a chronic grumbler. He never missed a chance to complain. But one year he harvested a bumper crop.

“You couldn’t ask for more,” said a friend.

“I don’t know,” he grunted. “Crops like this are hard on the ground.”

It’s not the greatness of the trouble that makes people complain; it’s the littleness of the soul.

And the reason why some people are dog-tired at night is because they’ve growled all day.

When things are good, be grateful and when things aren’t good. Even then God is making all things work together for your good.

So be like the believers of whom the Bible says, they “praised the Lord day by day.”

Prayer: Rather, we thank Thee that Thou art always with us to protect us and to provide for us, to give us Thy guidance and Thy grace. Help us all through this day to glorify Thee: through Christ. Amen.

Today's featured photo from Guido Gardens:

(Click on image to view full size.)

Click here to hear and pray along with Dr. Guido's audio prayer, updated each weekday.

Watch Dr. Guido's video devotional, "A Seed for the Garden of Your Heart," updated new each weekday.

Listen to Dr. Guido's audio devotional, "A Seed From the Sower," updated new each weekday.

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