Sunday, September 29, 2024

Words of Wisdom

Thomas Edison is recognized as being one of the greatest inventors who ever lived. He is credited with over 1,200 inventions, including the light bulb and the first “talking machine.” He was the founder of General Electric and greatly influenced the quality of life for everyone.

Edison was one who was known to be very conscious of the value of time. On one occasion the person introducing him as a featured speaker at a large gathering did not know when to end his remarks. He spoke endlessly of his creative genius, his ability to see things others did not see and the great future for his “talking machine.”

 When he finally stopped talking, Edison stood up and said, “Thank you for your kind words. But I must make a correction. God invented the talking machine. I only invented the first one that can be shut off.”

“Let your conversation be gracious and effective,” said Paul, “so that you will have the right answer for everyone.” A wise warning for Christians who want to witness the grace of God in a way that will draw others to Christ.

We Christians are ineffective if we act offensive and arrogant. We must always be gracious and humble if we want others to listen to and accept God’s message of love, salvation and hope.

Prayer:  We pray, Father, that the “grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ” will always be obvious in our speech and conduct as we represent You to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:5-6

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Where's God When I Need Him?

Danny was kneeling next to his bed saying his prayers. Hands folded, eyes shut, his mother heard him praying: “Lord, my brother still doesn’t have a job, and he sure needs one. And my sister, Ruth, she hasn’t had a date for a long time, and she’s getting pretty old. And you know about Mom - she’s no better and may have to go back to the hospital. And Dad hasn’t gotten the promotion his boss promised him. You know, God, I’m really getting tired of praying for my family and not getting any results. Have you quit listening to me?”

Ever feel like Danny? No doubt most of us have.

Thank God for John’s insight: “And we can be confident that He will listen to us whenever we ask Him for anything in line with His will. And if we know He is listening when we make our requests, we can be sure that He will give us what we ask for.”

John’s emphasis here is on God’s will - not our wants. And there is a dramatic difference between the two. Too often when we take our requests to the Lord they do not fit His will for our lives. We ask selfishly and do not take into consideration how what we want may differ from what we need to be and what He has designed for us to do. We need to align our requests with His will. The ultimate test of any prayer is: Lord, give me this for Your sake in Your name for Your will.

Prayer:  Lord, help us to understand how to pray and what to pray for. May we accept the delays knowing that Your will is much better than our wants. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:    This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. 1 John 5:14-15

Friday, September 27, 2024

Where Do I Begin?

A company was well known for its highly effective sales personnel. They were able to outperform all of their competitors by their volume of sales, the new customers they attracted and the loyalty of their old ones.

Once, during an interview, a professor asked the personnel director what he did to attract so many outstanding people to his company. After thinking for a moment he replied, “We give them a water test.”

The professor was surprised. He thought he knew of every pre-employment test available. So, he asked, “What is the water test?”

“Well,” he responded, “before we hire anyone, we take them into a room where the faucet is running, the sink is overflowing and water is pouring onto the floor. We offer the person a mop and say, ‘Mop up the water.’ If they begin to mop up the water without turning off the faucet, we know they are poor problem solvers and decision makers, and they would not be good employees. So, we don’t hire them.”

Too often Christians try to “clean” up their lives without turning “off” old habits and behaviors that lead to sin. If we want to become who God wants us to become, we must turn away from every temptation that can distract, defeat and destroy us. We can solve the problem of sinning by deciding to keep away from evil.

Prayer:  We look to You, Heavenly Father, for insight and guidance as we face the difficult choices of life. May we always recognize our need for Your wisdom. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:    Reject every kind of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Greatest of These

Abraham Lincoln was known for his kindness to everyone. He was often criticized by his associates for being so gracious.

On one occasion one of them said, “With all of the power you have, why don’t you destroy your enemies?”

“Am I not destroying my enemies,” he asked, “when I make them my friends?”

Perhaps there is no more misunderstood or misused word in our world today than the word “love.” Nearly everyone has their own personal meaning for it. For some it has a “sexual” meaning. For others it has an “I like to be with you” meaning. And there are those who see love as demonstrating an unselfish concern for others - helping them when they are unable to help themselves or even provide for themselves.

Paul speaks of a love that is supremely concerned with the best interests and welfare of others. It is a love that makes the needs and concerns of others my very own. It is as though I am saying, “I don’t walk away from the needs of others, I take them with me. If they have a need, it is my need. If they hurt, I hurt. If they are in pain, it is my pain as well. If they have no food, I will share my food with them.”

As Christians we must move beyond the feeling, sentimental and emotional types of love to a love that forces us to do what Jesus would have us to do for others.

Prayer:  Lord, we see in Your life and death the real meaning of love. Strengthen us to live as you lived and to love as You loved so others will see You in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Motion Without Movement

Lucy was sitting behind her desk counseling Charlie Brown one sunny afternoon. Looking at him sternly she said, “Try to accomplish something!”

“Accomplish something,” he responded quickly, “I thought we were just supposed to be busy.”

Peter had some good advice in one of his most powerful sermons. He reminded his audience that “Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” Peter was reminding his listeners that Jesus lived a life of perfect Servanthood - always looking for and finding ways to accomplish God’s work in His world. What is interesting about this sermon is its brevity: within a few sentences he was able to present the life, death on the cross and His resurrection as well as His fulfillment of all that had been written about Him in Scripture.

The effectiveness of our preaching or witnessing for Christ does not depend on the length of time we take to present His message. Rather, the source of the Christians’ effectiveness is found in another statement in this sermon. Peter said that “God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power.”

Our Lord will bless our labors for Him when we become Spirit-filled and Spirit-led. Only then will our witness have His power and accomplish His will.

Prayer:  Help us, Lord, to surrender our lives to You and be available to do Your work. May we realize the blessings that may be ours as we serve You today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:    How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him. Acts 10:38

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"Make Your Plans Large!"

One of my most prized possessions is my mother’s Bible. Shortly after she went to be with the Lord, I was leafing through the well-worn and tear-stained pages. In the margin next to Ephesians 3:20 she had written, “If God is your partner, make your plans large.”

In that passage of Scripture, Paul wrote, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” What power, Paul?

Here Paul is speaking about the mighty power that raised Christ from the dead: the power that is available to Christians that comes from the living God. This power from God enables us to accomplish not only more than is possible for us to do on our own - but we are enabled to accomplish exceedingly abundantly more than we might even be able to ask or think!

God wants to work in and through the lives of His children - you and me. He wants to make His mighty power that raised His Son, Jesus Christ, from the grave available to each of us. So we must expand how we think.

Exceedingly suggests excessiveness and abundantly means overflowing, or an overabundance of something. But he does not end with those words. He continues by adding more than we can ask or think!

 If we sincerely take God at His Word, the only limitations on Christians are the ones we place on God.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, it is beyond our abilities to truly understand the “mighty power” that is available to us. Increase our faith so we, in turn, can do more for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Ephesians 3:20

Monday, September 9, 2024

I Must Know Them!

Years ago there was a king who would leave his palace and walk through the streets of his city dressed as was one of his subjects. His guards feared for his life and often would try to stop him. Said one, “You must not do it for security’s sake!”

“But,” he replied, “I can’t rule my people unless I know them and how they live.”

What a comfort to know that our God knows us and understands us from having lived a human life in and through His Son. Whatever we face He has faced and whatever path we travel He has traveled. Jesus learned life’s secrets in the school of experience and can now bring us His encouragement, strength, insight and guidance.

We often forget that Jesus gained His knowledge of life’s ways because He was here among “us.” And He is now with His Father and remembers what it is like to be lonely and rejected, abandoned and fearful, alone and afraid, weary and worn out. He understands what it means to be tempted and tried, embarrassed and rejected and even forsaken by His very own brothers.

And it is because He passed through all of these experiences that now, in Heaven, He can be touched with our infirmities, and give us His sympathy, help, hope and understanding. Remember, He has endured and survived whatever His Father brings into our lives.

Prayer: We are grateful, Father, that You know us, understand us and now intercede for us. This gives us confidence to hold on tightly and never give up. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.  Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:14-16

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Empty Hands

Alexander the Great left an indelible mark on the world. In his early life he was tutored by Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, which shaped much of his thinking. By the age of thirty he had created one of the largest empires in the ancient world. He was undefeated in battle and to this day is considered to be a military genius and is remembered as one of history’s greatest commanders. He established over 30 cities as a result of his conquests and was responsible for spreading the Greek language and culture wherever his victories took him.

When individuals died during that period in history, it was customary for their hands to be wrapped in burial cloth. However, he decided that he would not follow that tradition. He said when he died he wanted people to see that his hands were empty.

When asked why, he replied, “After all, we did not bring any money with us when we came into this world and we can’t carry away a single penny.”

Paul echoed the same words. He said we brought nothing into the world with us when we came, and we will certainly not take anything with us when we leave. He wants us to understand that one day whatever we have will be left behind when we go to meet our Redeemer. The goal of the Christian is to lay up treasures in heaven by investing in God’s Kingdom.

Prayer:  Lord, it is natural to want the things of this world. They are attractive and appealing. Enable us to see “things” through Your eyes and use them for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.  1 Timothy 6:7

Friday, August 30, 2024

Why Do We Suffer?

Many of us, from time to time, ask ourselves the age-old question: “If God is God, and if God is a great God and if God is a good God and if God is a powerful God, why does He allow bad things to happen to me and others who have good intentions and want to please Him?”

Deep down we do believe that He is a good and great and powerful God. But that question still nags at our innermost thoughts and feelings and from time to time challenges our faith with subtle doubts.

He certainly does have everything under His control, and He does desire our very best. But not all things, such as sorrow and suffering, seem good while we are going through them.

I remember very well my mother’s homemade bread. I would return home from school, l and the entire house would be filled with the aroma of fresh baked bread waiting for some butter and homemade strawberry jam.

But by themselves, I did not like flour, yeast, shortening or baking soda. But when Mom mixed them together, allowed them to “rise” and then baked them in a hot oven, the results were amazing and wonderful.

Is that not how God works? Some pain here. A lot of suffering there. A time of grief. Sorrow for a season.  Financial problems. Discouragement over a loss. That’s God’s mixing everything together for our good and His will.

Prayer:  Father, give us grace and courage to look at our lives the way that You look at them - knowing and believing that everything works for our good and Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:     And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Where Am I Going?

A Bishop in the Church of England, known for his forgetfulness, boarded a train in London. Shortly after the train left the station, he began crawling around his seat and the other seats near him. Fearing for his safety the conductor approached him carefully, tapped him on the shoulder and asked what he was doing.

“I’m looking for my ticket,” said the Bishop.

“Well, that’s not a problem, Bishop. We’ll take care of you. It’s really quite all right,” replied the conductor.

“No, it isn’t,” said the Bishop. “I forgot where I am going!” confessed the Bishop.

“Show me the path where I should walk, O Lord, point out the right road for me to follow,” cried David. He knew that he needed guidance for life’s journey so he went to the ultimate source: God!

What are God’s methods for providing guidance to His children?

His primary guidance system is His Word. If we truly want Him to lead us, we need to go to the “source” of His information. By carefully reading and meditating on His Word, we will gain wisdom and insight on where we are to go.

Then we must spend time in prayer - waiting with a sincere willingness for Him to reveal His path for us.

Prayer:  Lord, we know that You have the path for us to take in life’s journey. As we read Your Word, open our eyes, speak to our hearts and show us the path we are to take. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow. Psalm 25:1-5

Monday, August 26, 2024

What's In A Number?

When Harlan Sanders turned forty, he realized that he could not point to anything in his life that could be considered a success. Whatever he attempted to do, failed. One day someone said to him, “Harlan, life begins at forty!” It jolted him in such a way that it awakened his faith, and he determined to begin again.

After a time of prayer, he decided to open a service station. Shortly after its opening, he added a luncheonette. One of his meals was fried chicken. To make it tastier he came up with a “special” batter and called it the Harlan Sanders’ Kentucky Fried Chicken. People enjoyed it so much that they soon recommended it to their friends. It brought him fame and fortune, and the Governor of Kentucky made him a Kentucky Colonel. Soon people everywhere were buying the “Colonel’s” Kentucky Fried Chicken.

By God’s grace and the Colonel’s faith, what had been a life of failure and frustration became a life with a future and personal fulfillment. But his new life did not begin at forty. It began when God became a major part of his life’s “recipe.”

When God becomes the main “ingredient” in our life, everything will become new. With Him as the centerpiece and His Word as our guide, we can overcome any obstacle or difficulty that stands in the way of our success.

Prayer:  Let us always remember, Lord, that all things are possible when we trust in You and desire to honor You with the gifts and talents You have given us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Sunday, August 25, 2024

What Are You Doing With My World?

It was Jim’s sixth birthday, and his father wanted him to begin to understand continents and nations. So, he bought him a lighted globe. He was fascinated with the way it glowed in the dark and gently lit his room. And he also enjoyed the time his Dad spent in his room telling him stories about the different countries of the world.

One evening his Dad silently slipped into his room thinking that Jim was asleep. He wanted to “borrow” the globe so he could locate the countries that were mentioned during the evening news hour.

As he was leaving, Jim who was not asleep asked, “Dad, what are you doing with my world?”

What a great question for each of us. No doubt God would have each of us answer a similar question: “What are you doing in My world?”

Jesus said that “God loved the world so much that He sent me into the world to save it.” We know that Jesus fulfilled God’s plan for His life; He gave His life on the cross for our salvation. We also know that He is now in heaven with His Father. And we also know that the work that Jesus began is to be carried on by His disciples.

As His disciples, it is important, no it is critical, that we ask ourselves constantly, “What we are we doing in God’s world today to save the lost for whom my Son, your Savior, died?”

Prayer:  Lord, give us an urgency to do Your work in Your world to save the lost. Do not let us rest in Your peace until we bring Your message to someone each day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   – For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Time Out!

One morning in a small town in Switzerland the clock in the tower stopped. Children unaware of what happened naturally thought that they had more time to stop and enjoy the lovely spring day. Secretaries on their way to work stopped to visit with their friends in the little shops that surrounded the square. Men reading their newspapers took some extra time to enjoy their stories. After about thirty minutes, the clock started again and the children, the secretaries and the businessmen, noticing that the hands were moving, ran off to their appointments. These people were late because the clock they trusted pointed to the wrong time.

Each of us has a personal clock ticking inside of us. It has a specific number of “ticks” that God has allocated to each of us that will determine how long we will live. There are times when we think that our clock is pointing to a great number of days that we cannot see or count on. We may have a year in mind when we plan to retire and begin to live a life of ease and do things we have delayed doing.

God’s Word reminds us that “None of us live for ourselves.” God has given each of us the power to make plans and dream dreams: to look forward to the future. But the most important thing we must do is to include God in our plans. Do not forget that “while we live, we live to please the Lord and when we die, we go to be with Him.”

Prayer:  Help us, Father, to listen to the “tricking” of our clock - to always be aware of the fact that we have no assurance of tomorrow. May we make each day count for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   For we don’t live for ourselves or die for ourselves.  If we live, it’s to honor the Lord. And if we die, it’s to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Romans 14:7-8

Friday, August 23, 2024

300, What a Game!

Tombstones are often interesting reminders of what people accomplished in life. One that is very interesting is in Wisconsin. It reads: “He bowled 300 in 1962.”

Do you wonder, as I do, if that was his greatest achievement in life? Or how many games he bowled before he had a perfect game? Or was it his first and last game and it left him so stunned that he never bowled again? We’ll never know.

But one thing we do know is that we will all be remembered for something. Paul made a most interesting observation about life’s accomplishments. He was writing to the Philippians about his achievements. Reading them is like reading the resume of one of the world’s great leaders. They are very impressive. But then he pulls the rug out from under his own feet. After what sounds like someone bragging about what they had done he concludes: “But because of Christ I decided that all of my worldly accomplishments are worth nothing.”

Paul always had it right. More than anything in life he wanted to be known for his relationship with Christ and what he did for Him. Other than knowing and serving Christ, everything to him was “worthless trash.”

Prayer:  Help us, Lord, to place You first and foremost in our lives. May we be remembered for what we did for You and through You, because of You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ  and become one with him. Philippians 3:4-11

Thursday, August 22, 2024

This Isn't Working Either!

It was Mom’s “Day-A-Way” and Jake and Dad were having the time of their lives. As soon as she left, the games began and were non-stop until it was time for lunch.

After lunch it was time for a nap. But the activities of the morning were so intense that Jake could not settle down. Shades drawn and lights out were not enough. He’d climb out of his bed and look for Dad expecting the fun and games to start again.

Finally, in desperation, Dad decided to lay down with Jake, expecting eyes to become heavy and sleep to come to his rescue. After a few moments, Jake sat straight up in bed and said proudly, “This isn’t working either, is it?”

 God in His eternal wisdom gave each of us a conscience - a moral compass that signals what is right or wrong. No matter where we go in the world, from one culture to another, people know deep inside what is right or wrong. All societies have laws that keep people together and set limits on what is appropriate or how to treat others.

And even though we, as well as others, know what is right and what is expected of us, we desire to do what is wrong. God has planted His standards on everyone’s heart and when any heart becomes troubled - for whatever reason - it is His Holy Spirit beginning to do His work to convict us of our unrighteousness and to turn to Him.

Prayer:  Lord, thank You for “early warning signals” that alert us to Your standards. Make our hearts very sensitive to Your laws and convict us when we do wrong. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   They demonstrate that God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right. Romans 2:15

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Greatest Offering

It was the final night of the annual missionary conference. Many missionaries from many nations had gathered to tell of the work of God all around the world. Hearts were deeply touched, and many lives were changed.

The pastor concluded the final service with an offering that was to be shared among the speakers. The plates were filled with money and checks. But in one plate was a note that simply read, “Myself.” Underneath the word “Myself” was the name and phone number of the person who signed it.

 The next day the pastor called the young man who signed it and asked, “What do you mean, James?”

“I’m giving myself to become a missionary,” he said. And then he added, “I’m willing to go anywhere and do anything at any cost to serve the Lord.”

James made an important gift to God: his body. Unfortunately, many Christians believe that God is only concerned about our souls. Not so! We need to realize that our bodies belong to God just as much as our souls. When we give Him our souls He expects our bodies as well.

The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and is the only instrument through which the Holy Spirit works. So, Paul says, “Take your body and think of all that it does each day - the skills, tasks and the abilities - and offer it to God; and when you do, follow Him where He leads You.”

Prayer:  May we realize, Father, that You expect us to give our bodies to You just as Your only Son did. May we not limit what You can do because we fail to surrender. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Romans 12:1

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Gamblers

In the Middle Ages there was a group of men who called themselves The Gamblers. Wherever there was sickness or suffering, plagues or pestilence they would take their lives into their own hands - gamble against all odds - to help others. They willingly gambled with their lives for the good of others.

But they were not the first to do this. The Apostle Paul talks about one of his co-workers: Epaphroditus. In speaking of him, he wrote, “he risked his life for the work of Christ and he was at the point of death while trying to do for me the things you couldn’t do because you were far away.”

We do not know very much about Epaphroditus. We do know that he delivered money to Paul while he was in prison. We do know that he helped Paul during a time of great physical and financial need. We do know that he became sick while he was staying with Paul. And we do know that Paul trusted him to deliver a most important “thank-you” letter to the church at Philippi.

The world honors those who are recognized for being rich, athletic, wealthy, entertaining, and intelligent. But here we see God recognizing and honoring a servant. And Paul also said, “Welcome him with Christian love, great joy, and be sure to honor people like him.” A simple servant, honored eternally, for taking a risk for God.

Prayer:  We are reminded, Lord, of those who do for You what few are willing to do. Thank You for the missionaries who serve You quietly. Honor them greatly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   Welcome him in the Lord’s love and with great joy, and give him the honor that people like him deserve. Philippians 2:25-30

Monday, August 19, 2024

Take Care, God!

Little Margie was saying her prayers before getting into bed. Her mother stood at her door and listened as she honestly expressed her faith and dependence on God.

“Dear Lord, You know I really had a bad day. Thanks for getting me through everything OK. I don’t know what I would have done without You. So I really want You to take care of Yourself - cause if anything happens to You, I don’t know what I’d do!”

Being dependent is sometimes difficult. It is normal and natural to want to be self-reliant, believing that we can do all things in our own strength and wisdom. We take great time and go to great lengths to prepare ourselves to meet and overcome the demands of life. But in the end, when facing the real difficulties of life, we know that sooner or later, we’ll need God’s help.

How fortunate for those who know they can be mighty because God is mighty. Our God who created the universe has arms that can reach us wherever we are or whatever our situation may be. Nothing is beyond Him, nothing escapes Him, nothing overwhelms Him, and nothing frightens Him. If it concerns us, it concerned Him first.

God will make us equal to every challenge He brings into our life. Remember the words of the Apostle Paul: “Our sufficiency is from God!”

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, You know when we need to be convinced that we can’t make it without You. Help us to see You at work in our lives to make us depend on You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Psalm 139:23-24

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Start Where You Are!

A pastor once thought that it was his responsibility to change the world. For years he struggled and worked. He finally became so discouraged that he decided to quit.

In a moment of insight, he decided to utilize a new strategy. “I’ll change my Elders. That’s the place for me to begin.” But he soon realized that this was not going to happen. Their resistance was fierce, and he soon gave up.

“Since they didn’t respond,” he said to himself, “I’ll change my family.” That didn’t work either. Each evening when he laid out their tasks for the next day they looked at him with blank stares.

Finally, he identified his calling: “I must improve myself first and the others will follow.”

David got it right! He said, “Search me, O God, and know my heart. Test me and know my thoughts.”

It is much easier to look at the lives of others and see things that we think they need to change. It is also much easier to want to change them than to want to change ourselves. But seeing what needs to be changed in others and wanting to change them is not the way God works through us. He wants us to begin with ourselves - to see the sin that is in our lives - the sin that He sees. And when He removes the sin from our lives we become like Him, we will become an example for others to follow.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, help us not to be concerned about what others need to change in their lives, but what we need to change in our lives to be more like You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:      Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Psalm 139:23-24

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Standing or Lying Down?

A Red Cross representative was contacting local churches for planning purposes in the event of a disaster. Answering the phone, the pastor said, “Please, Ma’am, How may I help you?”

“I’m calling on behalf of the Red Cross,” she said, “and I would like to know how many people might be able to lie down and sleep in your facilities in the event of a disaster.”

Thinking for a moment about what might be possible, he responded with a smile, “I don’t know how many might be able to lie down and sleep comfortably, but I know that about nine hundred sleep sitting upright every Sunday morning.”

Sleeping in church is a byproduct for many tired Sunday morning worshipers. Whether it is a sermon that is not mentally challenging or spiritually stimulating or the result of insufficient sleep or rest is not the point. We go to church to worship God and recognize our need to gather together in His name. It is a period of time when we set aside things that concern us and focus on the greatness of our Creator - His holiness, power and grace and our unworthiness, our need for His grace and our dependence upon Him to meet our every need.

Gathering together for worship is our duty and responsibility and must be done in eagerness and excitement.

Prayer:  Lord, may we enter into Your presence with praise and thanksgiving, coming together to honor Your goodness, grace and glory with thanksgiving. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:     Everything on earth will worship you; they will sing your praises, shouting your name in glorious songs. Psalm 66:4

Friday, August 16, 2024

Seeing the Light

An astronomy professor asked his class, “When can you see the farthest - at night or in the daytime?”

Unanimously, the class answered, “In the daytime.”

“Wrong,” corrected the teacher. “In the daytime you see the sun. But at night you can see the stars, and the stars are millions of times farther away than the sun.”

What do you see when you look beyond the moment? It’s something that many of us do. Sometimes it is to escape the present moment. Other times it is to dream dreams of how things might change within our families - whether better or worse. Perhaps we may want to get away from the moment and simply escape.

When King Uzziah died, Isaiah “saw the Lord sitting on a lofty throne.” What he saw was his commission to be God’s messenger to His people. For some that might have been a dream come true. Others may have seen it as a responsibility more than they could handle. Being God’s messenger has always had its difficult moments.

But Isaiah’s mission looked difficult from the beginning. He had to tell people who believed they were blessed by God that they were going to be destroyed by God because they were disobedient to Him. And his response? “I’ll go. Send me! I’ll do whatever You ask!”

Now, more than ever, we need Isaiah’s view of God. He has called us to serve Him. We dare not fail!

Prayer:  Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your greatness that matches Isaiah’s and empower us to serve You at all costs. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:    Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Prayer and Providence

An ocean liner was in the midst of a terrible storm while making its way from England to America. The ship was swaying violently from side to side and heaving up and down as the waves washed over the bow.

The captain was trying his best to calm the people and encourage them not to be frightened. Suddenly a lady shouted, “Do something!”

“We’re doing our best,” said the captain calmly, “and we are trusting in the providence of God.”

“Oh my word,” she cried. “Is it that bad?”

The word providence comes from two Latin words. One means “before” and the other means “to see.” When the Christian speaks of “providence” it conveys the message that God knows the outcome of the events in our lives before they happen. Not only that, He knows and understands how those things which we sometimes resent are working to shape us into the person He wants us to be!

Paul said that whatever happens in the life of the Christian happens for the Christian’s best interests. In fact he said that “everything works together for their good who are called according to His purpose.” Not that everything that happens to the Christian is good in and of itself. It means that everything that happens is to shape us into the likeness of Christ. As we become more and more like Him, He can use us more and more to do the work He has for us.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, may we not only accept the fact that You are at work in our lives, but really believe it is because You love us and want us to be like Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   And we know that God causes everything to work together[a] for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Make Your Plans Large!

One of my most prized possessions is my mother’s Bible. Its cover is well worn - the brown leather comes through the black dye. The pages are turned up at the corners and show wrinkles from tear stains. Verses are underlined and endless notes in the margins show her thoughts and insights about different passages. There are dates next to many promises of God where she claimed them for her husband and children, missionaries and friends.

But there is one verse that sums up her undying faith in God: Ephesians 3:20. In the column next to it she wrote: “If God’s your partner, make your plans large!”


Ephesians 3:20 says, “God is able to do.” Well, people can “do” too. But the verse continues...

“God is able to do abundantly.” Many times, however, people are limited and unable to do what needs to be done. And then Paul added something else...

“God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask.” What more, if anything, is there, Paul?

“God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think!”

Is there anything beyond exceedingly abundantly?

Only asking and thinking. No wonder she wrote, “If God’s your partner, make your plans large.”

Prayer:  How unfortunate, Father, that we limit You when we limit what we believe You can do for us and through us. Increase our faith to match Your power. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Ephesians 3:20

Monday, August 12, 2024

Looking For God?

A French astronomer speaking to a group of intellects proudly declared, “I’ve swept the universe with my telescope, and I find no God. I’ve searched the skies for years but can find Him nowhere. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that there is no God.”

Following him a humble, but world-renowned violinist came to the stage and said, “Your statement, dear sir, is just as foolish as for me to say, ‘I have searched inside my violin with a microscope to find a musician and I could not find one.’ Because there is music, Sir, there must be a musician.”

 And because there is a creation, he concluded, there must be a Creator!

David declares that God has revealed Himself in and through nature. In nature we learn about His power and greatness and our insignificance and finiteness. As God reveals Himself through Scripture, we learn about His holiness and our sinfulness. As God reveals Himself through our daily experiences, we learn about His grace and graciousness that frees us of our sin and guilt.

We are surrounded by God’s greatness that we see in His many magnificent displays in nature. But the greatest display that we see of God is in His work of love, grace, mercy, salvation and hope. What more evidence do we need to have than our salvation or the healing of a loved one?

Prayer:  Thank you, Father, for not only making Yourself known to us, but for providing our salvation, the answers to our prayers and the hope of being with You. In the Name of Jesus’ Amen.

Scripture For Today:   The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Psalms 19:1

Sunday, August 11, 2024

How Strong Is Your Belief?

Watching a person walking across a deep crevice on a wire is nerve-racking for most of us. As they carefully make their way from one side to the other with their long pole becomes frightening at times.

There was a “walker” who decided that he was going to walk from one side of Niagara Falls to the other using a wheelbarrow that contained 200 pounds of rocks. When he accomplished his goal flawlessly, the reporters in the crowd thronged him. After answering a few of their questions, he looked one of them in the eye and asked, “Do you think I can take my wheelbarrow back to the other side?”

Quickly he responded, “Yes, I certainly do!”

“Good,” he said. “Then you believe that I can do it.”

“Of course, I believe you can,” said the reporter.

Dumping the bricks on the ground in front of him, he said, “If you really believe it - get in the wheelbarrow and let’s go to the other side.”

Accepting Christ as Savior for our salvation is the beginning of our walk of faith. It begins with “believe and be saved!” However, when we recognize Jesus as Lord it means that we will trust Him to get us safely from where we are at that moment until we will be with Him in glory.

Our journey will be difficult, but we must always trust Him.

Prayer:  Give us courage, Father, to trust You for safe passage through those times in our lives when we are faced with disaster and doubt, knowing we are safe in Your arms. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.” Acts 16:31

Saturday, August 10, 2024

How Did God Get In Your Life?

The new pastor wanted to get to know the members of his congregation. One evening at a church dinner he asked Mark how he came to know the Lord as his Savior.

To his surprise Mark replied, “Well pastor, I believe God is at work in our family.”

One thing is for certain: If our faith is real and at work, it will be real and at work in our homes. Family relationships always seem to be “on the edge.” There are so many different individual wants and needs, so many competing priorities and interests that relationships always seem to be stressed to the point of breaking.

The letter to Ephesians has some sound advice for families. It very clearly states that children are to obey their parents as long as parents act in the will and way of God. Parents have every right to have expectations of their children that are in keeping with His Word. Ideally, parents will act with thoughtfulness, gentleness and love. While this may seem difficult, if family members act in accordance with the teachings of God’s Word, each will put the other’s interests ahead of their own and selfishness will be replaced with selflessness because the real Father is the head of the home and worshiping Him will come first.

Fathers are also advised to “Bring up your children with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord.”

Prayer:  We pray, Father, for families that are struggling to survive, dealing with overwhelming problems that leave them helpless. Give them hope through Christ to be victors. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord,  for this is the right thing to do. “Honor your father and mother.” Ephesians 6:1-4

Friday, August 9, 2024

Going But Not Doing

While waiting for a bus to take me to the hotel at the end of the day, I watched as several of them passed by my waiting area. As they sped to their destination there was a sign in each of them that read, “Out of Service.”

Jesus, when speaking about the responsibilities of His disciples, said, “Look around you! Vast fields are ripening all around us and are ready now for the harvest.”

Our Lord clearly addressed a pressing need in His day and a need that we, as His followers, face today: There are many in front us, to the side of us and behind us that are waiting to be brought into the Kingdom of God. It is not that He is unconcerned about them or that they are not willing to listen to His offer of salvation, it is because we, His followers, are out of service.

Sometimes we excuse ourselves from being His witnesses and “harvesters” by saying that our family members and friends are not ready to believe. Jesus, however, made it very clear that we are surrounded by an opportunity to be involved in a constant and continual harvest waiting to be reaped.

Each day we must remind ourselves that He will return and find us doing “something.” What will it be? Will He find us involved in taking the Good News of the Gospel to those around us? When He appears will we be doing what He has called us to do or find us out of service?

Prayer:  Lord, You have called us to labor with You in the “great harvest” by witnessing and winning the lost around us. Convict us of our lack of concern for the lost. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:        You know the saying, “Four months between planting and harvest.” But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. John 4:34-38

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Giving In or Growing In Him?

We all have had days filled with discouragement and disappointments. Perhaps more than we care to recall. Often they can be used by the devil to defeat and destroy us.

Think about discouragement. It comes from being dissatisfied with things in the past, a distaste of the present or quite possibly a distrust of the future. When we allow ourselves to become discouraged, we are surrendering our courage to what we have allowed to overcome us.  Discouragement is a signal from God that the devil is trying to take away the hope He has given us in Christ. When we feel discouraged we need to take away the “d” and replace it with an “H” and call for “His-courage” to enable us to be victorious.

We also need to realize that our disappointments are, in fact, His-appointments! Nothing enters our life by chance - only by and through Christ. Often when things do not go as we intended them to go, we consider them to be one of life’s disappointments. However, what we need to realize is that God Himself is intervening in our life. He is attempting to get our attention. He wants us to make an adjustment to what we are doing with our lives that is not in line with the plans He has for us.

Not everything that happens to us can be considered “good” - but everything will eventually be “good” for us.

Prayer:  Help us, Heavenly Father, to believe that You love us too much to abandon us, care for us too much to harm us and too gracious to keep what we need from us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:        And we know that God causes everything to work together[a] for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 

Get Up and Go On

Little Lola was having a hard time learning to skate. Every time she got up and started to skate, she fell down. The bruises were multiplying and covering all of the available space on her knees and elbows.

A neighbor passing by watched her try and try again. Finally, he approached her and asked, “Why don’t you give up?”

“Because,” she cried with tears streaming down her face, “my father didn’t give me these skates to give up with but to go on with.”

Our Lord gives us His gracious favor and wonder working power to “go on with.” A good example of this is the Apostle Paul. God did not remove His affliction. He promised, however, to demonstrate His grace and power in and through all that he did and wherever he went.

God wants to display His grace and power in our lives through what we believe to be our weaknesses. He wants to give us courage and hope, strength and victory. When we willingly admit our weaknesses and limitations, we are forced to depend upon God for our effectiveness and accomplishments. Surrendering to Him when we need His help forces us to admit our inabilities and His abilities. Admitting our limitations enables us to develop our Christ-likeness, deepen our respect for God’s presence and power in our lives and encourages us to a deeper sense of worship.

Prayer:  Father, we truly need Your involvement in our lives. When we are weak - give us Your strength, when we are down - raise us with Your power. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:       Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Friday, August 26, 2022

Focusing On The Future

 “The way of the Lord” is a phrase that appears quite frequently in the Bible - most often in the Old Testament. Each time it appears, it is to be viewed as a “path” that God has laid out for His followers, or a path that winds through history as God deals with an individual, a nation or all of mankind.

Solomon wrote that “The way of the Lord is a refuge for the blameless, but is a ruin of those who do evil.” It is important for us to understand that “God is a refuge” only for those whom he holds blameless - or those who walk in His way!  With great trust, we accept Him and believe that only in Him, with Him, and through Him can we find a place of refuge, now and throughout eternity.

God deals with each of us individually and as nations united by a common government. So, those who walk in His righteousness will always find a place of refuge in His grace and mercy because of His love. Evil and evil ones may surround and govern us, but as long as we remain faithful to Him, He will remain faithful to us. We have His Word and His record of faithfulness that His peace, security, and comfort will always be our refuge.

 The key to the promise of this verse is strictly an if/then. If we walk in the way of the Lord and have as our primary goal in life to be blameless or righteous, we can then be confident that He is and will be our refuge. We can count on Him at all times, under any condition for His peace and protection. However, if our ways are evil, we are then warned well in advance that His judgment awaits us. 

 Prayer:  Father, Your Word is clear: we can only expect You to be our refuge if we are faithful. Give us strength! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  The way of the Lord is a refuge for the blameless, but is a ruin of those who do evil. Proverbs 10:29

Thursday, August 25, 2022

We Have Our Limits

Solomon makes no apology when he writes: “The blessing of the Lord, it makes one rich.” That is the literal translation of the verse: “The blessing of the Lord brings wealth.”  When he wrote that powerful statement, he made it abundantly clear that our resources - no matter how abundant they may be - are “limited” by God. It is the Lord who is faithful and who has the final word on riches, who gets them and when they will get them.

No matter how hard we try, how many hours we work, what we do or the skills we possess, we - in and of ourselves - cannot produce wealth. All the wealth in the world cannot make one “rich.” If God does not add His blessing to whatever we have we are, in His sight, poor. On the other hand, one may have none of this world’s goods, yet be rich. How can this be? Rich but not rich? Poor and yet rich? It certainly seems to be contradictory.

But it isn’t.  Rich is in the eye of the beholder.

Throughout his Proverbs, Solomon warns us that if we get the “riches” of this world through methods that are dishonest or deceitful, unfair and unjust, many problems will come with them. These problems may range from psychological to physical, legal to financial, personal to interpersonal or relationship issues. Godly living, God-honoring work, and God-centered practices bring joy and satisfaction, peace and true prosperity with them to those who live for the Lord and live righteous lives.

God’s riches come with God’s blessings. And, His blessings are readily available, worry-free, come without guilt or fear of being exposed and shamed from having harmed others.

Prayer:  Father, may all that we do, bring blessings, honor, and glory to Your name. May we seek Your “riches.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, without painful toil for it. Proverbs 10:22

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Heart Health

“If it works, don’t fix it!”

Most of the time our heart works well, and we rarely pause to think about it. Each day our hearts beat about 100,000 times. It sends 2,000 gallons of blood surging through the veins of our bodies, nourishing our organs and tissues. Although it is no bigger than our fist, it keeps blood flowing through 60,000 miles of vessels that wind through our muscles and flesh, and is held together by our porous skin. It is the controlling force of our lives. When it fails, life ends.

The heart, in the Bible, is recognized as the center of our emotions, rational and irrational thoughts, our wills and desires. In the Bible, the heart is the “seat” of the entire personality. 

And, the heart, as described in the Bible, can be our most fundamental problem. What we store, keep or hide in our heart, is what we become and who we really are. 

So, as long as we “keep our mouths shut” we can deceive others. But, unfortunately, that does not seem to be possible. In the blink of an eye or a moment in time, we “let our guard down” and our true “self” becomes exposed to the world. We are “found out.”

Solomon wrote that “The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value.” Jesus said, “How can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”

We hear amazing stories about surgeons who are skilled at “heart transplants.” But a heart transplant does not correct the problem of evil. Only Christ can correct that problem. So, He does not transplant hearts. He transforms hearts. When that happens, lives change.

Prayer:  Lord, come into and rule our hearts so others will know that Your Son, our Savior, rules our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:      The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value. Proverbs 10:20

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Who Are The "Real" Heroes?

It is fascinating to walk through any community or mall - or even down a city street - and noticing the vast number of football jerseys that people of all ages and sexes wear. The names and numbers of their “heroes” vary as much as the sizes and shapes of the persons wearing the jersey.

And, the dollar amount of this way of “identifying” with an athlete is growing. In 2015, four years ago, the total amount of money spent on sports clothing was more than six billion dollars.

Sadly, many of those names and numbers represent felons, drug addicts, wife or child abusers, murderers, and violent criminals. Yet, their names and numbers are held in high esteem, even worshiped, because of their accomplishments in their area of sports. 

Walk through a mall or down any street and count the number of individuals wearing a T-shirt that has the name of Jesus or Paul or Stephen or Jeremiah written across the front or back. Only now and then will a T-shirt appear with some reference to something Christian on it. Sadly, too, its message is usually unclear or confusing to the non-believer.  

Solomon talked about “heroes” who “walked” Godly lives. “Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to a godly life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.” What a timely, challenging verse to identify the criteria for a hero. People look for, want, and even need heroes. Where can we find “heroes for Christ?”

Hopefully, in His disciples. “By their fruits you will be able to identify them.”

Prayer:  Lord, we can’t hide who we are or what we believe or our values. May our lives represent You well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to a godly life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray. Proverbs 10:17

Monday, August 22, 2022

All Seeds Are Not The Same

“What are you planting?” asked the salesman of the elderly gentleman.

“Seeds,” said the old farmer, rather nonchalantly. 

“Of course they’re seeds. I can see that. I’m not dumb or blind,” he said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

“Well, if you are so interested, hang around for a few months and see what comes up. You might be surprised. Might even be something you like,” came the reply.

Planting seeds and gardening is a craft. It is done with care and concern. Nothing is left to chance, and the only uncontrollable aspect of farming is the weather.

“The wages of the righteous is life,” wrote Solomon, “but the earnings of the wicked are sin and death.” The word “wages” in this verse comes from the agricultural world and describes the crop or yield that is gained at the time of harvest. Earnings are the result of work. But both have a similar meaning: Our lifestyle and way of living have implications far beyond the moment. Righteousness brings a fulfilling life now, and after this life - eternal life with God. The alternative lifestyle, unrighteousness, is one of sin and leads to death - eternal separation from God.

  Our God is a just God and will reward each of us for the “seeds” we plant. Our old farmer knew what the crop would be from the seeds he planted. He didn’t have to wait and be surprised at harvest time. Neither do we. 

God’s Word leaves no doubt about sowing seeds and the coming harvest. “Do not be deceived,” is Gods’s warning, “for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap.”

Prayer:  Father, may we examine our lives in light of your Word and plant “seeds of righteousness” each day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:     The wages of the righteous is life, but the earnings of the wicked are sin and death. Proverbs 10:16

Friday, August 19, 2022

Know God - Have Life

“Ill-gotten treasures” bring many ideas, as well as pictures, to our minds. Some pictures remind us of events where we were taken advantage of by one who made no apologies for stealing our “property.” Other feelings are the result of a dishonest salesperson who hid the truth from us when we purchased a valuable item. Usually, there are many numbers involved in large transactions, and unless we know what to look for, it’s easy to become a “victim” of dishonesty.

However, when we look at some “valuables” we have collected over time, there may be an item or two we obtained in less than honest methods. They were really “ill-gotten” even though they “belong” to us now.   

“Ill-gotten” is a strong phrase that means “treasures gotten as a result of wickedness.” We know that “wickedness” is not compatible with the character of God. It stands in complete contradiction to everything God values. It also cost Him the life of His Son. “Righteousness” on the other hand clearly states what God is: a God who is consistent with His Word and His ways. Our God despises unrighteousness and dishonesty because He is honest and just!

Treasures are a gift from God. And, there is nothing wrong with having treasures – even great treasures. But, when they become the “center of life” or the “reason for living,” attaining them is self-destructive. They no longer bring satisfaction because they have no “lasting value” - and the “search” for more treasures continues.

“Righteousness” delivers us from death: physical, spiritual and eternal. Those who live in “righteousness” have no fear of God because their search for “treasures” is found in Him.

Prayer:  Father, give us a desire to live for “things” that are eternal and have their source in You and Your love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:    Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death. Proverbs 10:2

Thursday, August 18, 2022

It's All In The Family

“The nice thing about friends is that you get to choose them. But, when it comes to family members, you’re stuck with what you get. And boy, did I ever get stuck,” said the comedian.

No doubt that many of us feel this way about our Moms and Dads or brothers and sisters. And, even though names and addresses vary, all families have some things in common and some things that are vastly different. But, there are two primary truths that cannot be denied: One is that God intended parents to be the primary teachers and influencers of their children. And the other is that family ties are never completely severed no matter where parents or children eventually complete their lives. An invisible bond remains.

The contrast between a “wise son bringing joy to his father and a foolish son bringing grief to his mother” implies that this family is “divided” or “dysfunctional.” It emphasizes the fact that the behavior of one member of the family affects the behavior of all of the other family members. This tragedy is seen throughout the Bible.

The “joy” infused into the family by the “wise son” does not eliminate the “grief” that invades a family from a son who is “foolish.” The “foolish” son is the one who, by his behavior, brings “hardships” to the parents as well as others in the family.

However, the “hardships” need not remain. Again and again, Solomon reminds us that gaining wisdom from God is a choice that will change. This is the result of being born again.

Prayer:  Because You love us, Father, no parent or child is beyond Your mercy and grace. Your Son offers us hope! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   A wise son brings joy to his father and a foolish son brings grief to his mother. Proverbs 10:1

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Compare And Contrast

Right choices are sometimes obvious, occasionally hidden, perhaps difficult, unfortunately painful, and every now and then, when least expected, pleasant and rewarding.  However, one fact never changes: with every choice we make there is a consequence that comes with it. Sometimes when we make a choice, the results may surprise us or others. Nevertheless, there are always consequences that can be enjoyable or exciting, painful and perplexing. 

Frequently the consequence of a choice is known at the time we make our decision. Other times it is “wait and see.” But we all know that “payday” will come someday.

In the ninth chapter of Proverbs, Solomon carefully compares and contrasts the differences between a woman who is wise, and a woman who is foolish or “wicked.” Both offer an invitation to a feast they have prepared. Both are inviting people to enjoy their company. Both are sitting in a place of prominence where they can be seen and heard, recognized and rewarded.

Wisdom, on the one hand, lacks nothing - it is complete, perfect, and readily available. Yet, wisdom must be pursued with lifelong diligence. It is a never-ending quest that eventually brings insight, will add joy, satisfaction, and ultimately, peace to life.

Folly, or wickedness, on the other hand appeals to the senses, and even a moment of ecstasy following a time of excitement. It is temporary, though enjoyable, and seems to gratify some basic need. Folly has no future and is short lived. It brings no lasting satisfaction. It will provide an interlude of “escape,” but ends in destruction and death. 

 Choices determine the outcome of life. Choose wisely. Choose God’s wisdom

Prayer:  Father, our choices are eternal. May we choose wisely. May we choose life. May we choose You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   Wisdom has built her house; she has set up its seven pillars. She has sent out her servants, and she calls from the highest point of the city. Proverbs 9:1 and 3

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Life Without God's Wisdom

“Finds life” or “loves death.” From one extreme to another. A contrast that is unmistakable and a choice that is crystal clear. It is one of the great “either/or” in God’s Word. There is a way of life or a path to death. And it is strange that some would not search for a way to live wisely and enjoy the blessings of God.

One translation recognizes the choice as “one who finds me...vs…he who misses me.” There is a reward for searching for and applying God’s wisdom: “life and favor from the Lord.”

Conversely, those who “fail to find God's wisdom - or those who sin against God - harm themselves; all who hate me love death.” Can the extremes be more clearly defined? Described?

Here is a clear picture of a self-centered life - a picture of one who has made a willful, thoughtful choice after careful deliberation. It is a choice that is void of emotions or feelings. But, a choice, nonetheless.

Earlier in the chapter wisdom is described as “a tree of life.” And if one chooses the “other path,” it is a “path to death.” Unfortunately, at the time the decision is made, the one making the decision may not be aware of that choice. Life may be too exciting, or too much fun, or too enjoyable, or death is “so far away” there is nothing to fear.

The choice should matter to us. If we know someone, anyone who is without Christ, we are responsible to God to take His message of love, salvation, hope and eternal life. Otherwise, we contribute to that one’s death without hope of God. Witness and share His grace constantly!

Prayer:  Awaken us, Father, to our obligation to speak to those who are on the wrong path and unsaved. May we recognize our responsibility to You as well as others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:   For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the LORD. But those who miss me injure themselves. All who hate me love death. Proverbs 8:35-36

Monday, August 15, 2022

Watching... Waiting... Wondering

It was an unusually nasty night. The wind was howling fiercely as the rain pounded the roof relentlessly. The temperature was well below freezing. It was 3:30 a.m. and “Lady” had to “go” outside. With great hesitation, I opened the door and discovered a small Shih Tzu gazing upward into my eyes. She appeared frightened as she cowered at my feet.

Her markings were stunning: grey, tan, white - even brown stripes on her ears. She “bumped” my ankle purposely with her nose and began wagging her tail as she gazed steadfastly into my eyes. Then, unexpectedly she laid at my feet as if pleading for her life.

After carefully examining her, we realized that she had been abused and abandoned. Covered with dirt, fleas, and ticks, she needed care. However, Mary and I had agreed that as long as Lady lived, there would not be another dog allowed. Without saying a word, she used her pleading eyes and wagging tail to “force” her way into our hearts and home.

After a few weeks, she became very attached to me. Constantly resting at my feet, standing patiently at the door not allowing me to leave without her, quietly waiting for me to make a move so she could join me seemed to be a statement that she could not live without me now.

Listen carefully as wisdom speaks: “Blessed is the man and woman who listens to me, watching daily at my door, waiting at my doorway.” 

 Bella is a constant reminder of those three very important words: listening, watching and waiting. How different life would be if our relationship with God centered around those three words. 

Prayer:  Father, May we learn to depend completely on You as the way, the truth and the source of light for our lives. May we look to You and wait on You for our needs. In Jesus’s Name, Amen. 

Scripture For Today:  Blessed is the man and woman who listens to me, watching daily at my door, waiting at my doorway. Proverbs 8:34

Friday, August 12, 2022

Polar Opposites

“Have it your way” was the Burger King slogan for forty years. However, it was changed. Their new slogan is “Be Your Way.” 

Why the change? In a recently released statement, the management team said the new motto is intended to remind people that “they can and should live how they want anytime. It’s ok not to be perfect. Self-expression is most important; it’s our differences that make us individuals instead of robots.”

Burger King’s Senior Vice President noted in an interview “that ‘Have it Your Way’ focuses only on the purchase...the ability to customize a burger. By contrast, he said, ‘Be Your Way’ is about making a connection with a person’s greater lifestyle.” How confusing.

A “lifestyle” reflects our way of life; our values and attitudes. If we “be our way,” it can be dangerous. It seems to suggest that “anything goes”... there is no wrong unless we agree on right and wrong. Furthermore, no one has any right to interfere with “my way.”

Unfortunately, our ways seldom agree with the ways of God unless we have been born again. Hearts are sinful, thoughts are corrupt, desires self-centered, and evil ways are the lifestyle of the non-believer.

“To fear the Lord is to hate evil,” said Solomon. Then, speaking on behalf of God, he said, “I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.”

God’s Word and wisdom is very clear: It’s either His way or the evil way. It cannot be both.

Prayer:  Lord, living our way – a self-centered way - is the easy way - but the wrong way. Give us a deep desire to seek Your way and live a life that pleases You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: All who fear the LORD will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech. Proverbs 8:13