Wednesday, November 5, 2008

eSeed: Do It Again

Read Proverbs 11:24-25 NIV

A country church was having a homecoming service, and all former members were invited.

One had become a millionaire, and he testified, “I was just a poor boy. All I had was a silver dollar. When a need for money was presented, I gave it to God. The reason God has richly blessed me is that as a boy I gave Him everything I had.”

“Do it again,” shouted a little boy.

You can’t out give God! The lad who gave the Lord his lunch didn’t go hungry. He had all he wanted, and more.

The Bible says, “One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.”

It’s strange, but very true; giving to God just enriches you!

Prayer: Forgive us, Father, for giving Thee and others watered-down gifts. Deliver us from our greediness and make us gracious in our attitude, our expressions and our service: in Christ. Amen.

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