Friday, December 12, 2008

eSeed: Re-Signed, Not Resigned

Read Philippians 4:13 NKJ

The last time you failed – did you stop trying because you failed, or did you fail because you stopped trying?

A young man applied for admission to West Point, and he failed to get in. But he didn’t stop trying.

He applied again, and was turned down the second time. But that didn’t make him bitter. It made him better.

By faith he turned that barrier into a bridge. He tried the third time, and was accepted. That man, General Douglas MacArthur, perhaps more than any other, helped us win World War II.

Refuse to be foiled by failure, or defeated by discouragement. Trust in the Lord, and resolve with St. Paul, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Prayer: Inspire us, Father, by faith to turn our barriers into blessings, to transform our frustrations into forgiveness and our trials into triumphs. Make us to be optimistic overcomers: in Christ. Amen.

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