Wednesday, March 18, 2009

eSeed: Meaningful Mistakes

Read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

General George Patton was dining one evening in Africa. Wine was served in Canteen cups, but thinking he was given coffee, the general poured in cream and sugar.

“Sir,” protested a friend, “that’s wine.”

“I know,” said the general. “I like my wine this way.” And he drank it.

How like many of us. We don’t like to admit our mistakes. But making mistakes isn’t stupid. Disregarding them is.

Learn from your mistakes, but don’t linger over them. And look to the Lord for His cleansing and counsel.

For your folly, He’ll give His wisdom; for your weakness, He’ll give His strength; and for your defeat, He’ll give His victory.

Prayer: Shame fills our hearts, Father, as we think on our faults and failures. We now claim Thy promise to cleanse us and change us. Do for us what we can’t do for ourselves: in Christ. Amen.

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