Thursday, August 13, 2009

eSeed: Poor Skate

Read 1 Corinthians 10:24 TLB

A family had only one pair of skates, and the twins went skating.

A stranger said to the boy, “You were kind, son, to let your sister have first go with the skates.”

“Thanks,” he answered, “but I just wanted to see if the ice was thick enough to skate on.”

There was a self-centered boy. And he was off-centered, wasn’t he?

The selfish person cuts away the ice from under his own feet, and he prepares his own watery grave. Every time he does a selfish thing, he pushes himself a little lower into the grave.

The Living Bible says, “Don’t think only of yourself. Try to think of the other fellow, too, and what is best for him.

Prayer: Save me, Father from selfishness and sin. All through today help me to think far less of myself and far more of others, and to find my happiness in making Thee and others happy: in Christ. Amen.

Enjoy today's video devotional!

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