Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Life That Wins

Read Mark 10:29-31

Albert was born a sickly child and was slow to learn to read and write. As he grew up, he forced himself to master difficult subjects.

He attended the University of Strasbourg, and earned Ph.D. degrees in philosophy, theology, and music. By the time he was thirty, he had become a famous organist and doctor.

Then he felt called of the Lord to become a missionary.

“Don’t waste your life being a missionary,” begged his friends.

But Dr. and Mrs. Albert Schweitzer went to Africa. There they labored for fifty years for the Lord.

Dare you give your life for your Lord?

Prayer: I thank Thee for giving Thy life for me, Lord Jesus. I now give my life to Thee for Thy direction. Make me what Thou wilt. Use me where Thou wilt. Do with me as Thou wilt: in Thy name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. yes.....take me at your will that i may please you dear Jesus
