Thursday, January 14, 2010

Melt The Saints

Read Mark 16:15

During the reign of Oliver Cromwell, the British government ran out of silver for coins. So Cromwell sent his men to look for precious metals.

They returned saying, “The only silver we found is in the statues of the saints in the cathedrals.”

“Melt the saints,” cried Cromwell, “and put them into circulation.”

Today, as yesterday, we have too many saints standing in the sanctuaries, not circulating in the streets; worshiping in the meeting place, not witnessing in the marketplace.

But our Lord said, “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Don’t we need to melt the saints?

Prayer: Deliver us, Father, from lukewarmness in our worship and laziness in our work. Today give us an errand to run for Thee that will honor Thee and help others. Make us going, growing, glowing Christians who will spread Thy word: in Christ. Amen.

Today's video: "The Master's Yoke"

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