Monday, January 11, 2010

Rescue The Perishing

Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9
In Rochester, New York, a little boy had fallen into the river, and the current was drawing him to his death.

A workman crossing the bridge, seeing the boy fighting a losing battle, jumped in the river and rescued him.

Imagine the man’s surprise when he found that he had saved his own son!

Mothers and fathers, do you realize personally that your sons and daughters are in danger of losing their own souls? What are you doing about it?

Won’t you pray passionately, witness winsomely, and lovingly lead them to the Lord?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, make me a help, not a hindrance in my family. Let the beauty of the Lord Jesus be seen in me that I might win and woo the children to Thee. Make me a good witness to all that I come into contact with: in Thy precious name. Amen.
Today's video devotional: "You Love Me"

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