Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who's First?

Read Colossians 1:15-19 TLB
It was a great celebration. Singers and speakers came from all over. Everyone was excited.

A boy approached one of the singers and said, “Here’s a book. I’m asking famous people to sign their names in the order I like them. You’re thirteenth.”

I wonder who came first.

If such a book were circulated in your presence, and you were asked to list who came first in your life, what would you write?

St. Paul listed Jesus “first in everything.”

Would you?

Really, there’s only one way to spell joy: Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.

Prayer: Come into our hearts and homes, Lord Jesus. Guide us and guard us that we might live lives that will honor Thee and help others. Grant that Thy beauty will be seen in us: in Thy name. Amen.
Today's video seed: "Stick Together"

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