Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Did It For Love

One morning a mother was running late for an appointment. Wanting to look her best, she asked her son to polish her shoes. He did such a good job that she wanted to reward him. So, she gave him a dollar.

As she was putting on one of the shoes, she felt something strange. She reached into the shoe and discovered her dollar bill. With it was a note that read, “Here’s your dollar back, Mom. I did it for love.”

Love has ears to hear the sighs of the sorrowing. It has eyes to see the needs of those who are suffering. It has feet that run to others to show mercy. It has hands that extend themselves to help heal others. It has a heart that can feel the pain that others are enduring. Love always forgets self to serve others.

If we are not serving others, we are not loving. God’s Word tells us to “Love in deed, not words alone.”

May we each show more of His love every day.

Prayer: Lord, no matter what we do, we can never show enough of Your love to others. Help us, we pray, to think often of the love that You have shown us in and through Your Son, and to show that love to others. Amen.

Scripture for Today: 1 John 3:17, 18

Today's video seed: "Be Still."

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