Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Loving God And Loving Man

A minister of a small church in Europe dearly loved his people. He was thought to disappear every Friday evening and ascend into heaven. He would then return to earth the next day.

A skeptic in his community decided to investigate. He observed the pastor reading the Bible, followed by a time of prayer. He then put on the clothing of a peasant and went into the woods. In the woods he would chop down a tree and deliver the wood to the poor. He would then return home and serve as a minister to his congregation.

That is the nature of the love that comes from knowing Him. This type of love that is described in the Bible, first reaches up to God in worship. Then it reaches out to others in service and works for God.

What will you do for others today? Stop and show them God’s love.

Prayer: Father, may this be a special day in our lives when we will worship You in everything we do. May we enjoy reading Your word, talking with You in prayer, and doing for others. May Your love fill our hearts, Your wisdom occupy our minds and Your words flow from our mouths. In Christ’s name. Amen.

Scripture for Today: 1 John 4:11-12.

Today's video seed: "An Honest Father"

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