Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No Excuses

A young boy came home from school with his report card. His father studied it and shook his head. “What’s the problem, Pop?” he asked. “Do you think it is heredity or the environment?” Many people, like that boy, go through life looking for an excuse for their failure rather than to struggle for success. They criticize their circumstances rather than conquering their conditions. They would rather spend time looking for a way out than discovering a way up.

It is time to set aside our disabilities and focus on our possibilities. It is time to move from the problem to the solution. And it is time to accept our responsibility and put it with His ability. With faith in God, we can mix toil with trust, and turn our set backs into successes. No excuses. Instead let us excell in all things through His power.

Prayer: Father, I thank You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that with Your power I can become who You want me to be. Help me to turn every trial into a triumph and every problem into a possibility. I want to please You with the gifts You have given me and do my best to honor You in every situation. I give You credit for every success in my life and trust that You will see me through every problem: in Your Name. Amen.

Scripture for Today: Luke 16:19

Today's video devotional:

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