Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Reach Out!

Many years ago, a Georgia farmer had one mule that was particularly stubborn. He would not go anywhere or do anything without a reward.

After much thought and planning the farmer fastened a pole to the mule’s harness. It extended about one foot beyond the mule’s nose. On the end of the pole he tied an ear of corn – just beyond the mule’s mouth. Excited, the mule began to walk, trying to reach the ear of corn. He was never able to reach it, though he tried and tried.

How different is our Lord. He never tempts us with promises He will not keep. He never brings a problem into our life without having a solution available. He never teases us with an empty treat.

And we have His Word that He will not abandon us without wanting to save us. We have the assurance that “Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved!”

If we reach out to Him we will realize that He has already reached out to us with His salvation through Jesus Christ, His Son, our Savior.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your Word promises us that You came to seek us and to save us. Give us the faith to believe in Your promises that You came to seek and to save us from our sin: in Christ’s Name. Amen.

Scripture for Today: John 3:16

Today's video devotional: "Are Your Hands Clean?"

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