Monday, May 3, 2010

Giving Others A Choice

A mother gave her son two beautiful apples, one larger and shiner than the other. Placing them in his hands, she instructed him to “Give your little sister her choice.”

A short time later, she noticed that he kept the bigger one for himself. So, she asked, “Why didn’t you give your sister her choice?”

“I did”, came the reply. “I gave her the choice of the little one on none at all. And she took the little one.”

There is a lot of selfishness in even the smallest of us. Size has little to do with whether or not we are self-centered of God-centered. It is easy to save rather than to share, to get rather than to give, to hoard rather than to help, to protect rather promote.

Paul reminds us that “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

PRAYER: Help me, Heavenly Father, to realize that the needs of others are an opportunity for me to give to them as You have given to me. May I be sensitive to others who are without the necessities of life, and share with them of the abundance You have given me – especially Your salvation. In Your Name, Amen.

SCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:1–8

Today's video devotional: "Wrong Places"

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