Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just When You Need Him

It was a dark, windy and stormy night. A mother was cleaning her home and said to her son, “Tommy, please run outside and get me the mop. I want to finish cleaning.”
“But,” he cried, “I’m afraid to go outside in the dark!”

“Don’t be afraid, son,” she said. “Remember, Jesus is there.”

Cautiously he opened the door and shouted, “Jesus, if You’re out there, please hand me the mop.”

The Lord will never do for us what we can do for ourselves. He expects us to use every skill and talent, every bit of knowledge and understanding, all insight and wisdom that He has given us. And when we need more, He will be there to fill in the blanks.

When we are weak, He will give us His strength. When we are tempted, He will enable us to overcome. When we are worried, His Word will bring us wisdom. When we are afraid, His presence will bring us peace. And when we are lonely, He will be our Comforter.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to walk in the courage that comes from trusting in You. Give us peace to know that we are walking where You would have us to walk. May we focus on Your faithfulness and trust in Your truth, knowing that You are ever present in our lives. In Your Name. Amen.

Scripture for Today: Philippians 4:9-13

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