Friday, August 20, 2010

The Goldilocks Burgler

It was a break-in along the lines of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. A burglar broke into the Thomas Schimmel home in Michigan, rounded up the valuables, and ate a bowl of cereal. Thomas discovered the theft when he came home. He called the police. They arrived, investigated and left. Then Schimmel decided to go to bed. But when he got to his bedroom, he found the burglar sleeping in his bed. He slept through the investigation. Isn’t that just like sin? It’s not only stupid, it stupefies.

Are you living your life like this burglar? Have you lost your senses and become unaware of the sin in your life? Paul tells us in today’s verse “stop sinning.” When we continue to allow sin to control our lives rather than the Holy Spirit, we will be like the foolish who deny the resurrection. Change your way of thinking. Ask God to show you your sins and confess them to Him. He is an all loving and forgiving God and ready to embrace you with His Grace.

Prayer: Father, I pray that I will not be like this burglar, completely unaware of the sin that is taking over my life. Help me to rid myself of sin, rather than letting it fester in my life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Scripture for Today: 1 Corinthians 15:34

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