Friday, August 13, 2010

I've Shot Myself

In Texas a man got tired of thieves breaking into his store. So he rigged a shotgun to shoot anyone who entered when it was closed. One morning he came to work and forgot to dismantle the trap. He opened the door and the gun went off. As he fell to the floor he cried, “I’ve shot myself.”

Sometimes our great ideas can get us “killed.” We are attracted by the things of this world and become influenced by its many “traps.” We begin to believe that our plans are better than what God has planned for us. Scripture teaches us that sin leads to death. We mindlessly walk in paths that lead to our destruction and death. Instead, we need to surrender our lives to God and to ask Him to make His way known to us as we read and trust His Word. We need to look to God for His purpose in our lives. As we accept His gracious gift of salvation and eternal life, we must realize that we are citizens of His kingdom and obligated to live lives that honor Him.

Prayer: Father, help me recognize the sin in my life that keeps me from growing into the likeness of Your Son. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will convict me and cleanse me and make me pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture for Today: Romans 6:23

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