Monday, May 25, 2015

What's Next?

Reading through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, reveals God’s thoughtful planning.

Nothing happened by chance. He wisely created everything to fit together very carefully and logically, in perfect harmony. The fish came after water, grass before animals and trees before birds. Then when everything was prepared, God created man. God knew what He was doing and where He was going. What a great example for us.

James gave us some insight about planning, too. He reminds us that we sometimes begin to do something without even knowing what tomorrow may bring. He seems to be making fun of us when he says, “Now listen, you who go here or there…spend a year here to carry on business…thinking you will make money, but not knowing anything about tomorrow.” Rather he says, “Focus on God’s will!” Great advice!

It is important for us to have visions of what we want to accomplish and plans to make the visions a reality. But we get into difficult situations if our focus is on our self-sufficiency or self-importance. We must humbly rely on God, looking to Him first and foremost in all that we plan to do. We must always be close enough to Him to hear His voice, and willing to change our plans when He asks. May our plans agree with His purpose.

Prayer: We ask, Father, that You guide us in all that we do and guard us from being self-centered. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture for Today: James 4:13-17 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.

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