Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Heart Health - Life Health

While waiting for my appointment with a surgeon, I decided to take my pulse. It was beating slowly, well within the normal limits. Suddenly the nurse called my name and directed me to a consultation room. After I sat down, she took my temperature and blood pressure. My temperature was normal, but my blood pressure was extremely high, which was not normal for me. Then she placed two fingers on my wrist to take my pulse. From the waiting room to the consultation room my heart rate increased dramatically – over twenty beats per minute. Fear got the best of my peaceful heart.
There is a direct connection with our emotional well-being and our physical well-being. When a fear of the unknown - the possibility of surgery - was about to become known, or, facing the reality that I would be scheduled for surgery, my fear could actually be measured!
The “heart” is much more than a muscle in life and in the Bible. It is the center of our being: the source of our thoughts, our emotions, our ambitions, and where decisions are made, problems are solved, and choices sorted out. According to Scripture, the heart affects every part of our life - positively or negatively.
Solomon understood that and wisely wrote, “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the body.” It is obvious from what Solomon wrote and what science has now confirmed: our emotional - or inner - state greatly impacts our physical wellbeing and health.
Notice the impact of “envy.” It’s an emotion we all deal with. For some, the desire to want something that God has not given us can become so intense that it has the same results as cancer - it eats away life. Beware of envy.
Prayer: Grant us Your peace, Lord, to meet the problems we face each day. May we look to You for help, healing, and hope in times of trouble and pain. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 14:30 A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
Watch this video: 

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