Friday, August 2, 2019

Apples Of Gold

Words wound and leave scars. Words are often used by design to discredit or destroy the hopes and dreams of another. Words are often spoken with disgust and disapproval intending to hurt or harm a person’s best intentions or desires. Words can be cruel and hateful, spiteful and repulsive. They can be disastrous to a person’s reputation and future goals.
But words can also be blessings and bring hope and encouragement. “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” What a thought-provoking scene. Imagine if you will, fruit carved from gold by a craftsman and then placed in a brightly polished bowl made from silver - a sight that would excite the senses and bring feelings of amazement.
The phrase “A word aptly spoken” suggests saying the right thing at the right time in the right place. It may be sharing a verse of Scripture with a loved one as they are passing through a difficult experience. It may be sharing words of comfort and hope, encouragement and support or wiping tears that are flowing from the eyes of one who is experiencing the loss of a loved one and is unable to deal with the grim realities of grief. One thing is certain: Not all words fit all occasions. Not all words are good for all occasions. There are times to speak and times to be silent. There are times to talk and even more times to listen. It is the caring heart with the love of God flowing through it to others in their time of need that becomes a “word aptly spoken.”
Prayer: Lord, use our mouths to speak words of kindness and comfort to those who are in pain or may be suffering. May we bring them help, hope, and healing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 25:11 A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. 

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