Sunday, April 25, 2021

Here's Hope!

Jake Hess, the great gospel singer was known to say, “Things are going to get better, get worse or stay about the same.” How true!

We all seem to face three types of trouble: things that trouble us from the past, things that are troubling us now, and things we expect to trouble us in the future. Trouble, as well as troubles, seem to be a large part of everyone’s life.

David had his troubles, too. On one occasion his troubles were so severe that he was downcast by what had happened in his past and when he viewed his future he became even more discouraged by what he expected would someday happen to him.

However, one day when he realized what was going on in his life as he faced his future, he asked himself two questions: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why am I feeling so disturbed?” The word “downcast” means “to be depressed” and the word “disturbed” means “to growl like a bear.”

When he sensed the extent of his depression, he became alarmed. It seemed like a bear was growling inside of him. But suddenly, he decided to look upward, not inward, and said from the depths of his heart – “Put your hope in God,” not in yourself!

And when he did he shouted, “For I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” His inner feelings expressed themselves in questions of despair and thoughts of defeat. In that moment of loneliness, his faith was tested and tried but not trampled by doubt. Ultimately he triumphed by giving himself some great advice: “Put your hope in God,” he said, “and continue to praise Him!” And he did. And it worked!

Faith and doubt often appear as twins. But when doubt was about to triumph, his faith gave him hope and surged within him, and he overcame the troubles he faced by the trust he had in God. What an example for us to follow: faith and hope and trust in God.

Prayer: Father, in our moments of despair may we turn to You with a never-ending hope-filled trust, that You will rescue and deliver us from harm. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! Psalm 42:5 

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