Wednesday, October 22, 2008

eSeed: A Good Yarn

Read Proverbs 3:3 TLB

Wanting to buy a sweater, but looking at the price tag, a man asked, “Isn’t two hundred dollars high for a sweater?”

“No, sir,” said the clerk. “It’s all wool. And it’s shorn from a special breed of sheep. It’s quite a yarn.”

“You’re right,” said the man, “and you tell it well.”

That’s the trouble. A falsehood is so easy. Truth is so difficult.

But truthfulness makes us conduits of courage. It adds fragrance to our friendships, harmony to our homes, and benefits to our businesses.

The Bible says, “Never forget to be truthful and kind. Hold these virtues tightly. Write them deep within your heart.”

Prayer: Father, take control of our tongues. Guard our lips from telling lies. Turn us away from evil places, pleasures and people, and lead us into right paths. Help us to speak the truth in love: in Christ’s name. Amen.

Click here to hear and pray along with Dr. Guido's audio prayer, updated each weekday.

Watch Dr. Guido's video devotional, "A Seed for the Garden of Your Heart," updated new each weekday.

Listen to Dr. Guido's audio devotional, "A Seed From the Sower," updated new each weekday.

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