Thursday, November 6, 2008

eSeed: Growing Old

Read Psalm 23

A famous baseball player said, “My youth’s going.”

“How do you know?” asked a friend.

“When I start chasing a ball,” he said, “my brain commands my body to run forward, bend down, scoop up the ball, and peg it to the infield. But my body says, ‘Who, me?’”

Old age is a part of life, and it can be the best part!

Instead of seeking sympathy, let’s spread sunshine. Instead of searching for seclusion, let’s find friends. Instead of building barriers, let’s remove roadblocks.

I’m going to live happily all the days of my life, and put off dying until it’s the last thing I do. Then what?

“I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Will you?

Prayer: Father, make me a bridge and not a barrier. At any cost, melt me, mold me, and make me a soul winning Christian: through Christ. Amen.

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