Friday, November 7, 2008

eSeed: Skyrocket or Star

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 TLB

A fellow worked like the devil – he was crooked. But he professed conversion.

His boss asked, “Will he do an honest day’s work?”

His fiancĂ© wondered, “Will he behave himself on dates?”

His mother questioned, “Will he act differently at home?”

Many go forward in meetings. Like a skyrocket they rise into the air. There’s a flash, a burst of color like a star, and then a blackened stick.

Why? He wasn’t a God-made star, just a man-made skyrocket; not a real Christian.

A real Christian is one who has been born again. The Living Bible says, “When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. A new life has begun!”

Prayer: Father, we come to Thee for a new life, light and love. Keep our hearts soft and clean so we may be used by Thee: through Christ. Amen.

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