Tuesday, November 11, 2008

eSeed: Waiting, Not Working

Read Mark 10:27
A tourist saw a man sitting by the ruins of a house that had been blown away. He asked, “Was this your house?”


“Any of your family blown away with it?”

“My wife and kids.”

“Why aren’t you hunting them?”

“The wind’s due to change,” he said. “So I might as well wait here until it brings them back.”

Too many are waiting, when they ought to be working; hoping, when they ought to be hopping; praying, when they ought to be pursuing.

God won’t do for you what you can do for yourself. So work and pray. Work as though everything depended on work and pray as though everything depended on God.

Prayer: We long, Father, to be like Thee where we worship and where we work, where we pray and where we play. Constrain us to keep our eyes on Thee moment by moment: in Thy name. Amen.

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