Monday, November 10, 2008

Where Am I Going

Read Psalm 16

Dwight Morrow, the famous diplomat, was absentminded. Once, when the train conductor asked for his ticket, he couldn’t find it.

“Never mind,” said the conductor. “When you find it, mail it to the company.”

“Thanks,” said the diplomat, “but where am I going?”

There are only two places where you can go at the end of life’s line – heaven or hell.

You were born with your back toward heaven. To go to heaven, you must turn around. When you do, you’ll find yourself in the hands of our Lord. And when you die, you’ll find yourself in His home.

In His presence there is fullness of joy. At His right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

You’ll turn to Him now, won’t you?

Prayer: We turn to Thee, Father, at the beginning of this day. Constrain us to pray at the start of each task, and to praise at the end. Guide us and grant us Thy grace: through Christ. Amen.

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