Monday, December 29, 2008

eSeed: Candy or the Queen

Read Matthew 6:33 NKJ

The Queen of England was coming to town, and a father took his little girl to see her.

While waiting for the queen, the girl saw a man selling lollipops. “Dad,” she begged, “buy me one.”

Reluctantly he took her out of line to get one. But while they were gone for the candy, they missed the queen.

The girl rejoiced in the candy for the moment, but for the rest of her life she regretted she had missed the queen.

Don’t allow the paltry things to rob you of the precious, the material things to rob you of the spiritual, or the temporal things to rob you of the eternal.

The Bible says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Prayer: Grant us Thy pardon, Father. Give us a greater hunger for the spiritual and lead us into a Spirit-filled life that honors Thee: in Christ. Amen.

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