Tuesday, December 16, 2008

eSeed: Picking The Colors

Read James 1:1-4 TLB

Sourness spoils milk, and it had the same effect on a certain man. Then one day he had a paralyzing stroke.

Years later, when an old friend visited him, he found him grateful, not grouchy; compassionate, not cruel; sweet, not sour.

“What happened?” he asked.

“Sickness has a way of coloring the personality,” said the paralyzed man. “I decided I’d pick the colors and make my life beautiful.”

When we make God’s will our will, He’ll give us grace for our grief, gladness for our gloom, and stars for our scars.

Then our lives will be beautiful, and we’ll “be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete.”

Prayer: Thou hast given us life, Father; help us to use it wisely and not foolishly; with discipline and not self-indulgence, that we may live only and always for Thee: through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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