Thursday, April 16, 2009

eSeed: Sir Isaac Newton

Read Philippians 4:13

When Isaac Newton was born, the midwife said, "He’ll not live through the day."

He was so frail, he had to wear a leather collar to support his head. And he did so poorly at school, he was at the bottom of his class.

But at nineteen he went to Cambridge, and became a Christian. Then he determined to glorify God and minister to man. He believed every discovery he made was given to him by God.

The boy who had been so frail lived to be 85, and who had been a dud in grade school became one of the world’s greatest scientists.

Frailty doesn’t mean failure and handicaps don’t have to hinder. With the Lord in your life and His strength in your soul, like Newton, you can go on to victory.

Prayer: Help us today, Father, and every day to live under Thy counsel and control. Grant that today we may improve ourselves, help others, and please Thee: through Christ. Amen.

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