Monday, December 28, 2009

Last Stand

Read Mark 8:36-37

A father was reading his son’s report card and got angrier by the minute. “That’s awful,” he said. “French, weak. English, poor.”

“But,” cried the boy, “read the last line: health, good.”

You eat three meals a day and sleep seven hours a night. But you’re sickly, because you starve your soul.

It’s important to have a strong body and a serviceable mind. But it’s more important to have a saved soul. The Lord asks, “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

Don’t spend your life on things that lose your soul. You were made for fellowship with God. Life begins with Christ. Come to Him now.

Prayer: We come to Thee, Lord Jesus; quench the thirst of our hearts and satisfy the longing of our souls. Help us daily to love Thee better and serve Thee faithfully: in Thy name. Amen.
Today's video devotional:

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