Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Share My Troubles

A young man was really excited. His young lady was bubbling over with enthusiasm. They had just announced their engagement.

“Just think, sweetheart,” he said joyfully, “I’ll always be there at your side to share all your troubles!”

“But,” she replied quickly, “I don’t have many troubles.”

“You will,” he promised. “Wait ‘till after we’re married.”

We will never be without worries in this world. Rarely will a day go by without some trouble coming our way. It seems that there is always something just around the corner that we did not expect. I’ve even seen a “T” shirt saying, “Here Comes Trouble.” Wherever I am, there trouble is!

We will never be without trouble in this world. But we need not face trouble alone. Jesus said, “I will never leave you or forsake you!”

With Him, no mountain is too high to climb. No obstacle is too awesome to overcome. No problem is too difficult to solve. No habit is too strong to break. The Bible assures us that “God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in trouble.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your presence in our lives. May we have a deep and abiding faith in You, knowing that Your power within us is greater than the problems around us. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Scripture for Today: Psalm 48:1

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