Thursday, July 8, 2010

More Than Conquerors

During the Revolutionary War, “Molly Pitcher” joined her husband in the conflict. While he was fighting in the battle, she carried water to the soldiers.

One day, as the war raged, her husband was shot and killed. Immediately she dropped her pitcher, took his place at the cannon and helped win a victory.

Death and sorrow are two of the great common denominators in everyone’s life. No one is immune from loss and grief that comes with feeling alone. Throughout all of life, everyone encounters feelings of emptiness when we lose a loved one. God’s Word reminds us that we all experience these times of tragedy.

As Christians we have a source of strength that we can call upon when needed. Paul declares, “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.” We all know of the sorrows and setbacks that he had. But he rose above his adversities by the grace and strength of God and turned his troubles into triumphs.

At the end of every day Paul was able to say, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.”

Prayer: Grant us, Father, the assurance of Your peace and presence, comfort and confidence, when we are going through difficult times. May we trust in Your promise that You will never leave us nor forsake us: in Your name. Amen.

Scripture for Today: Romans 8:32-39

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