Friday, November 21, 2008

eSeed: Wise Or Otherwise

Read James 1:5-6 NAS

An old mountaineer was known for his wisdom. “Uncle Zed,” asked a young man, “how did you get so wise?”

“Easy,” he answered. “I’ve got good judgment. That came from experience. And experience – that came from bad judgment.”

The wise learn from mistakes. The foolish merely keep repeating them.

To keep from repeating our mistakes, we may experience the wisdom that comes down from above.

Our Lord is anxious to give us wisdom for our talk and our walk, our bearing and our daring, our gains and our pains.

The Bible says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously.”

Prayer: Give to us, Father, the enlightenment of our minds in knowledge, the guidance of our footsteps in wisdom, the help in every hour of temptation: through Christ. Amen.

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