In the War of 1812, an American general, William Winder, in spite of having a four-to-one advantage over the British, was defeated and taken prisoner.
“Free him,” said the British officer. “His incompetence makes him an ideal opponent.”
Later, when the British attacked our nation’s capitol and burned much of it, Winder was in charge.
Anything in your life that’s not consecrated to the Lord is claimed by the devil. He delights in having you in charge of the Lord’s work. He knows he will win the battle.
Just now submit your all to the Lord, and resist the Devil. Then he’ll run from you, not over you.
Prayer: We submit ourselves to Thee, Father. In all our thinking and doing may Thy word instruct us, Thy love motivate us, Thy strength sustain us and Thy spirit guide us: through Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Enjoy today's video devotional from Guido Gardens...
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