One Sunday morning, a man went to visit one of Scotland’s most famous scientists. When a maid opened the door, he asked, “Where can I find Lord Kelvin?”
“In church,” said the maid.
Lord Kelvin invented the first ship’s compass that was free from the influence of magnetic iron. He knew the importance of finding the right direction, and each day he read the Bible.
Lord Kelvin was also responsible for laying the first transatlantic cable. He knew the importance of good communication, and prayed each day.
He set a good example for us.
The Psalmist said, “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” Keeping God’s Word in our hearts is a deterrent to sin. We need God’s Word in a place where we can retrieve it quickly. It will help us to “set our hearts on things above” as we face temptations daily.
Paul said, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.” There is nothing too large for our Father to handle or nothing too small that does not concern Him. Everything that matters to us mattered to God first.
Prayer: Help us heavenly Father, to heed Your Word and to hide Your Word in our hearts. Put a longing in our hearts to walk with You and talk with You with each step that we take: in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Scripture for Today: Mark 1:35
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