Friday, October 1, 2010


It was time for the annual employee performance appraisals. The manager said to a sales associate, “You are the laziest worker I have ever known. Tell me one way that this firm benefits by having you as one of our employees.”

“Well,” came the quick reply, “when you give me a vacation you don't have to hire someone to work in my place?”

Laziness and procrastination are dangerous because they destroy our bodies, minds and souls. God has given us bodies to use in serving Him. But if we do not take proper care of them, we will become weak and unable to serve Him. He has given us minds. But if we do not study His Word and learn about His will for our lives and ways to serve Him by meeting the needs of others, our salvation becomes questionable. And He has given us a soul. We nourish our soul through worship and praise, graciously and humbly waiting before His presence as we bow before Him, recognizing Him as the source of life, knowing that one day we will be with Him for eternity.

Prayer: Help us, Heavenly Father, to make good use of every moment of every day. May we realize the value of each day, the significance of every minute and seize every opportunity to glorify You now and throughout eternity. In Christ’s Name, Amen.

Scripture: Proverbs 6:6-11

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