A famous author, known for his skepticism, accepted an invitation to attend a revival meeting. At the end of the sermon the speaker extended an invitation for individuals to accept Christ and turn from their sins. His friend asked if he wanted to turn from his sins to the Savior.
Immediately he responded, “No. I like my sins. I enjoy them!” Sadly, he echoes the feelings of many.
God has given each of us the power of choice. In doing so, we are free to choose between two masters: sin or Jesus Christ. Each “master” has a plan for our lives. One Master assures us of the presence and power of Christ in our lives, knowing that He is with us and for us, protecting us and giving us His peace and comfort in troubled times. He also gives us His Word that we will be with Him throughout eternity, where we will rejoice in the glory of God’s grace and mercy.
The other master gives his followers a gift as well. It is the gift of enslavement - a gift that takes away our freedom and the right to an abundant life. The Bible tells us that sin is a sickness of the soul that leads to physical and spiritual destruction, eventually death and eternal damnation.
We have a choice to make: Life or death.
Prayer: Father, open our hearts to accept Your Son to become our Savior, In His Name, Amen.
Scripture: Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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