Years ago Ben Franklin Stores was a major retail chain. Many of their customers came from rural areas to shop. An observant employee recognized that some had a difficult time in getting to a store and asked if he could open some stores in those areas. When they refused his request, he resigned and took his stores to the people.
As a result of his vision, Sam Walton's name is known around the world and Wal-Mart stores are everywhere. He did not expect people to come to him.
One day Jesus said to Simon, "Now go out where it is deeper and let down your nets and catch some fish." Initially, Simon was hesitant saying that he and his co-workers had already tried that and it did not work. Then after thinking for a moment, he said, "But if You say so, I'll let them down again." And when he followed the advice of Jesus, the results were amazing.
Jesus left a message for each of us: "Go into the world and make disciples!" Fish never come to the fisherman - the fishermen always go where the fish are. Skepticism has ended many opportunities to reach out to win the lost. Like Sam Walton, let's go to the people.
Prayer: Father, may we reach beyond our homes and churches and do all that we can to make disciples. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture: Luke 5:1-11
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