Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Help, I'm A Parent

Throughout the Bible, being obedient to parents is always connected to being submissive to and following the teachings of God. And if we consider God’s character to be important and the foundation of His role as our Father, parents will strive to “imitate” His characteristics if they want to be effective representatives of Him.
We often speak of the characteristics of God in high and lofty terms: He is “omniscient, omnipotent, immortal, and omnipresent!” But, Jesus presented the character of God in behaviors that could be seen, and, most of them imitated. Consider such important behaviors as loving, kind, caring, compassionate, forgiving, accepting, helping, healing, encouraging, honest, thoughtful, sensitive, open, available, authentic, a disciplinarian, knowledgeable, wise, a craftsman, a caring Son, student of the Law and Prophets, a model to be followed, submissive to and respectful of the laws and a close obedient relationship to His Father.

Quite a list, indeed. And when I review and think about them, I wonder how often I failed my Father as the parent He wanted me to be as they grew up – even now.

When we consider the important role that parents are called to fulfill, spiritual, moral and ethical examples and authorities to our children, it is easy to cry out, “This job is far beyond me!” And it is if we attempt to do it on our own. But, if we are humble and dependent on Him we have His Word to guide us, and guard us, His Son within us to empower us and the Holy Spirit to lead us.

We also have Proverbs when we want His wisdom.

Prayer: Father, we parents who love and believe in You are blest to have You and Your Word as a “parent’s guide.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture for Today: Proverbs 1:8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.

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