A Bishop in the Church of England, known for his forgetfulness boarded a train in London. Shortly after the train left the station he began crawling around his seat and the other seats near him. Fearing for his safety the conductor approached him carefully, tapped him on the shoulder and asked what he was doing.
“I’m looking for my ticket,” said the Bishop.
“Well, that’s not a problem, Bishop. We’ll take care of you. It’s really quite all right,” replied the conductor.
“No it isn’t,” said the Bishop. “I forgot where I am going!” confessed the Bishop.
“Show me the path where I should walk, O Lord, point out the right road for me to follow,” cried David. He knew that he needed guidance for life’s journey so he went to the ultimate source: God!
What are God’s methods for providing guidance to His children?
His primary guidance system is His Word. If we truly want Him to lead us, we need to go to the “source” for the right information. By carefully reading and meditating on His Word we will gain wisdom and insight on where He wants us to go and what we are to do.
Then we must spend time in prayer - waiting with a sincere willingness for Him to reveal His path for us.
Prayer: Lord, we know that You have the path for us to take in life’s journey. As we read Your Word, open our eyes, speak to our hearts and show us the path we are to take. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 25:1-5 …Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
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