“On the first day of each month I carefully walk through every room in my home to make certain that there is nothing that would embarrass Jesus if He were to visit our family,” said my friend. “If there is anything anywhere that is not appropriate for His eyes, it certainly is wrong for me to gaze upon it. If there are magazines or books or newspapers that have vile or unclean photos or stories I throw them away immediately. And because of the influence of television - even the news or children's stories or cartoons, we got rid of our television. And many would think we were wise. But when I talk to “them” about Jesus, many of them think I’m weird even without having that ‘stuff’ corrupt my mind and the minds of my children.”
His statements brought back childhood memories of my home in Lorain, Ohio. His attitude was the same as my mother’s. I can hear an echo of her voice today: “We’re not going to allow Satan to live in this house,” she said often. In every room there was an open Bible - readily visible for anyone to see. The walls had pictures of Bible stories and scenes of the way people lived in the days of Jesus. Wherever guests looked, they were reminded of something that had to do with the story of salvation. Of course, we also had family photos. But they were pictures of activities that were related to church events or pictures of us “kids” standing next to missionaries or evangelists.
“Home is where the heart is,” someone once said. And if the “heart” belongs to Jesus He will be very visible.
Prayer: Father, may our homes become Your dwelling place where all who visit see You as the Lord of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer: Father, may our homes become Your dwelling place where all who visit see You as the Lord of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 101:2b Oh, when will You come to me?
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