Sunday church bulletins quite often reveal more than the words printed on them. Other than the date on the front of the bulletin the order of service changes very little. There seem to be three important words that appear in every order of service: Invocation, Offering and Benediction. And in between those words, the hymns, Scripture and special music will be “recycled” from week to week. But there is little new or different. Even contemporary worship services seem to follow the same format and formula week after week.
Sounds boring, doesn’t it?
Perhaps that’s why Psalm 96:1 explodes with a challenge: “Sing to the Lord a NEW SONG!” - which literally means “NEW THINGS!” If God is alive and well in our lives and in our churches we will surely be seeing new things and singing new songs because we will see Him at work in our lives and in the life of our churches. Prayers will be answered and lives changed, sinners will be saved and His disciples will be called to serve Him in new and different ways showing His love and care to those around us. We will have to rearrange the order of service to make time for public praise to share what He is doing and sing new songs because He is doing new things!
And then in verse two, we read, “Proclaim His salvation day after day!” When the proclamation of His salvation is the centerpiece of our work and worship, we will be overcome with His joy and “sing new songs!”
Prayer: Lord, may we accept Your challenge to sing a “new song” by living and sharing Your great salvation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 96:1 Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth.
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