Thursday, October 11, 2018

God's Attitude About Strength

What Americans spend on nutritional supplements and bodybuilding is staggering. Consider these facts:
Sixty billion dollars were spent in January to lose weight.
One and one-half billion dollars are spent on food supplements each month.
There are 30,500 health clubs in America.
The average cost per month of a gym membership is $55.00.
The total amount of money spent on gym memberships in 2014 was $23.1 billion.
The number of gym memberships in 2014 was 12.2 million.
“Looking good” for many is much more important than “being good.” Taking pride in bulging muscles and well-toned bodies have become a way of life for many who worship themselves rather than God. It is difficult to watch TV without seeing commercials on how to “get ripped” or pills to lose weight or products that will extend life. The “beautiful body” has become an end for many.
However, the Psalmist staked our God’s position on all of this: “He takes no human might.”
Now, there’s nothing wrong with being physically fit. We are indebted to God to avoid doing anything to our body that would put it at risk for any disease that we can avoid. Why? We are obligated to Him to honor this “gift” and use it for His glory by serving Him. But, we cross a line when we worship our bodies and not the God who created them.
Prayer: Lord, may we care deeply about the gift of life and wellness You have given us and use it to honor You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm147:10b He takes no human might.

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