What happens when life turns ugly and there is no reason to get out of bed and face life? Do we give up and give in? Do we surrender our principals and live a life of compromise? Do we forget where we were or what made us different from others? Do we live a life filled with anger and resentment? What do we do if we do not want to “do right?”
“Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse” provides some sound advice. This verse tells the story of a man who “had it all” and “lost it all.” He was “riding high” and then “life turned ugly.” But the events of life did not change him: he changed the events of life. He remained faithful to God, turned his back on evil, and continued to live a life controlled by God. He was a man of integrity and character!
We often confuse personality with character. It’s easy. Personality is who people think we are. Character is who God knows us to be. Personality changes over time and is temporary. Character is deep-rooted and flows from our relationship with God. Personality is on the outside. Character is from God and is deep inside our hearts. Personality often comes from a smile to hide the pain and struggle we are dealing with. Character weeps openly, honestly and freely when the going gets difficult, the nights long, and the days dark, the sun is hidden and the clouds heavy. Personality changes to meet the needs of the moment. Character meets the moment without changing - being confident that we can meet the challenge and endure the struggle with God. What matters to you? Personality or Character. The choice is yours.
Prayer: We pray, Lord, that we will submit our will and ways to Your will and Your ways. Give us a desire and Your power to be people of character who “do right!” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 28:6 Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse.
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