Friday, January 10, 2020

Good For Evil

A truck driver went into a café and ordered a hamburger, French fries, a piece of pie, and a cup of coffee. Shortly after he placed his order, a group of bikers came in and surrounded him. When he was served, they ate his food and drank his coffee. Quietly, the trucker stood up, walked to the cash register, paid his bill, said nothing, walked past them, and out the door.
“He’s really not much of a man,” said one of the bikers.
“And he’s really not much of a driver either,” said the cashier. “He just ran over three bikes in the parking lot.”
In Romans 12 Paul describes the central values for Christian living. In particular, he said that if we have truly experienced God’s grace, we will want to share it with others. Forgiveness is a good example of sharing and showing God’s grace to others.
Often we say that we forgive others for the wrongs they have done to us. But, forgiveness is much more than quietly offering kind words under our breath that only God hears. Forgiveness is active, not passive. If we have trouble forgiving someone and the hate remains lodged in our heads and hearts and not expressed with our hands by showing forgiveness, we need to do something that reflects forgiveness – like offering them a small gift. That would certainly demonstrate forgiveness.
And, when we do so, we can begin to think of – in some very small way – the tremendous gift of forgiveness that God gave to us in and through His Son: our salvation!
Prayer: Help us, Father, to be forgiving and loving of those who harm us. We see examples of this in Your Son, even when on His cross. May we follow His example. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Romans 12:17-21 Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. 

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