No one is or ever has been immune from being hurt or harmed by arrows of anger that come from those we thought were our friends. Sometimes the statements that shame and slam us even come from members of our own family. And, unfortunately, some of us may even be guilty of doing to others what they have done to us and caused them pain and sleepless nights as we seek revenge. We all know the feelings of pain and panic that come from “word wounds,” and the problems they have caused us.
David faced the same issues. He spoke of those who persecuted him and wanted to tear him to pieces as a lion destroys its prey. They raged and did wickedness, brought iniquity and spoke falsehoods, and caused him trouble. Those powerful words leave very little to the imagination. He was not reporting any second-hand observations or stories that others told him of things they had experienced. People were out to get him, and he knew it.
And he responded to them in a way that sets the Christian standard for revenge. He turned the matter over to God! He began by affirming his relationship to God by declaring, “I come to you for protection, O Lord my God. Save me from my persecutors.”
He knew exactly where to go, what to say, and what to do to solve his problem and heal his wounded heart: He went to His Lord knowing that only He could save him from the harm that others would do to him if they could.
We must do as David did. We must call upon the Lord to be our Defense and Defender in times of need.
Prayer: Lord, we claim the promises of Your Word, knowing that You will guide us and guard us forever against the harm and hurt of others. But we must believe! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Scripture For Today: I come to you for protection, O Lord my God. Save me from my persecutors - rescue me! Psalm 7:1
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