“Sorrow,” begins a French proverb, “comes swiftly on horseback, but leaves slowly on foot.” Few would disagree that our moments of happiness are usually as brief as a heartbeat and sorrow often lasts as long as the darkest night.
Once when he was in deep distress, David cried, “How long, O Lord, will You forget me? Forever? How long will You look the other way?” We all suffer greatly when someone we deeply love is no longer available or does not respond to our cry for help.
Betty was suffering from measles. Her infected eyes could not stand the sunlight that was streaming into her room. As her mother closed the curtains and turned out the light, she asked, “Are you afraid?” “No,” said Betty, “as long as I can touch you.”
David asked a critical question that every believer in God often asks: “How long, O Lord, will You forget me?” And when he did not get an immediate answer, he cried as we would, “How long will You look the other way?” And finally, “How long must I struggle?”
Our Lord may be out of sight, but we are never beyond His reach! David felt that God had abandoned him, had turned away from him. He felt as we often do - God has lost interest in my problem. But David did not quit or give up. He did what he knew would work. With an abiding faith, he prayed, “I will continue to trust in Your unfailing love.”
His faith was larger than all his fears. He knew God would deliver him as He had in the past. When we doubt our future, we need to look at our past and see how God works.
Prayer: When we become impatient, Father, remind us of David’s steadfast faith and Your unfailing love, and know that You are somewhere at work. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: How long, O Lord, will You forget me? Forever? How long will You look the other way? Psalm 13:1
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Yes, Our God is FAITHFUL AND TRUE. Amen!