“Hear ye! Hear ye!” were the words of the “Town Crier” in many English towns years ago. His job was to stand in public places where people gathered and shout or “cry out” official announcements. When there was an important event, he would often ring a bell to get people to gather quickly to listen to what he was sent to say.
David had received an important message from the Lord. It was so important that he “cried out” for the people to listen to him. “An oracle is within my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked,” he shouted. An oracle is an utterance – or a message – linked to God or coming from Him. These were serious words and, as always, reflected the love and concern that God has for people to know Him, come to Him, and worship Him.
David’s message was simple, clear, and direct, “Your ears are not open to God, you flatter yourselves so much that you cannot recognize your sins or hate them.”
But he does not stop there. He continues, “The words that come out of your mouths are deceitful, you are no longer wise or do good.” Quite an indictment.
David’s words were true then and are equally true today. He paints a vivid picture of human darkness that includes the mind, heart, and will. When we do not fear God’s judgment, our egos become inflated, we flatter ourselves falsely and wicked thoughts come out of minds that deceive ourselves and others. When we no longer fear God we are in serious trouble. We must fear Him, remain in His Word, and rely on His strength.
Prayer: We pray, Father, that Your Spirit will convict us of any sin that would deceive us and destroy us. May the truth of Your Word guide and guard us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: In their blind conceit, they cannot see how wicked they really are. Everything they say is crooked and deceitful. They refuse to act wisely or do good. Psalm 36:2-3
Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. May we all return our hearts to it.