“Religion is an illusion of the emotions,” declared Sigmund Freud, the psychiatrist, “and its funeral is at hand.” And Frederick Nietzsche one day announced, “God is dead!”
No doubt that their gods died with them, but our God is alive and well and active in our lives! Shouted the Psalmist in Psalm 97:1, “The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad!”
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” wrote Moses. And He never abandoned nor cast aside His role in managing and controlling it. He continues to be the sole source and sustainer of all its life, the strength in all its movements, and the power behind its journey.
The earth spins like a top at 1,000 miles per hour without ever speeding up or slowing down so that we might have a predictable number of hours for each day and night. It is tilted at a specific angle that causes our seasons. And these two facts are only the beginning of the marvelous miracles of our planet. And why is this so? To demonstrate the fact that “The Lord reigns” – that our God will never surrender His power and control.
Our sun maintains a temperature that is warm enough to sustain us but never hot enough to burn us or freeze us to death when winter arrives. Why this consistency that we never question? “The Lord reigns” – that our God will always protect and care for us.
Wherever we look and whatever we study, we see a pattern of consistency and continuity, predictability and potential. God does reign. God does rule. Our God loves us!
Prayer: We thank You, Lord, that You reign over all Your creation. May we grant You entrance into our hear that You may also reign in our lives, too. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice. Psalm 97:1
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